David Jonathan

Do Hyenas Eat Lions?

Hyenas and lions share similar territories and habitats, often crossing paths while out hunting. But …

Do Hyenas Eat Lions?

Are Hyenas Dogs?

Hyenas are very peculiar creatures. That’s why people often misunderstand them. In some ways, they …

Are Hyenas Dogs?

Hyena Bite Force

Bite force for an animal is essential; not only do they use it to chew …

Hyena Bite Force

10 Brown Hyena Facts

The pointy ears and oversized shaggy coat distinguish a brown hyena from other species of …

10 Brown Hyena Facts

Why Do Lions Have Manes?

Lions are powerful felines with strong bodies and muscular frames. They are known for their …

Why Do Lions Have Manes?

Why Do Lions Roar?

The power and majesty of a lion’s roar is well known, often intimidating humans and …

Why Do Lions Roar?

How Tall Is A Lion?

Lions are some of the largest big cats in the world, only second to tigers, …

How Tall Is A Lion?

Where Do Lions Live? 

Lions are known as the “King of the Jungle,” but surprisingly, they don’t actually call …

Where Do Lions Live? 

What Do Lions Eat?

Lions are usually attributed as the most sociable of the cat family, living in groups. …

What Do Lions Eat?