Imagine taking a morning cycle around the mountain, enjoying the views, when suddenly an Ostrich is hot on your tail.
That is precisely what happened to a group of cyclists enjoying their cycle around the mountainside, as they typically say, “This only happens in South Africa.”

What started as a practice run for the Cape Town Cycle Tour ended up being a once-in-a-lifetime ride that started when a surprising bystander was spotted on the side of the road.
The group of three cyclists were left shocked when they were joined by a large adult Ostrich.
Shock quickly turned to action, though, as they were unsure why this rather dangerous bird was joining their training run.

With an Ostrich reaching speeds of 40 mph (70 kph), this Ostrich had no problem keeping up with them at their speed of 30 mph (50 kph), though, and just seemed to be stretching its legs as well.
As funny as the situation sounds, it was no laughing matter for those involved – they had peddled frantically to escape their feathered pursuer without any luck… after all, the road they were cycling down led to a dead end in the Cape of Good Hope.
Luckily, the ostrich soon decided it was not worth the effort and ventured off to the side of the road and left the cyclists to continue their ride at a more comfortable pace again.